This “Liquid Gold” is put together by fresh honey glazed lychees quickly backed up by the finest mangoes and guavas and the slightest bit of ice. The result? An explosive tropical kick! 70% Lychee, 15% Mango 10% Guava 5% Ice.
Ingredients 3mg
Vegetable Glycerin (≤78%)
Propylene Glycol with Flavouring (≤22%)
Nicotine: 0% (0mg), ≤0.3% (3mg), ≤0.6% (6mg)
Ingredients 12mg & 18mg:
Vegetable Glycerin (≤50%)
Propylene Glycol with Flavouring (≤50%)
Nicotine: ≤1.2% (12mg), ≤1.8% (18mg)